I haven't shopped much all week and wasn't even that interested in it. I was busy with a St. Patrick's Day party, a doctor's appointment and other things. This afternoon I decided I'd better update my coupons. Clipping and organizing coupons for two hours will certainly put you in the mood for some bargain shopping. I promised the kids a Rita's Italian Ice tonight after supper - which was great since it was FREE today! Lucky for my that the Rita's is right down the street from Walgreens. So, here's the play-by-play of my trip:
Hershey's Kissables 1.5 oz are on clearance - bought 9 of them for $.19 each (will be great in Easter baskets). Total = $1.71
Sambucol - $10.19 - $10 Easy Saver Coupon & $4 manuf. coupon = -$3.81 money maker
Pringles - on clearance for $1.10 each - bought 2 & used $.20 coupon = 2 for $2
Pantene Shampoo & conditioner - $3.40 each - 2 $1 manuf coupons = both for $1.40
Pantene Mousse - $4.07 - used buy shampoo get style product FREE coupon = FREE
Pantene Hairspray - $4.07 - used buy conditioner, get style product FREE coupon = FREE
Bee's Balm Lip Shimmer - on clearance for $2.20 each - bought 2 (I just love this and want to stock up on it)
Gilette Shampoo & Condition - $3.82 each - used 2 $2 coupons = both for $3.64 for both!
Melotonin 120 tablets - $12.74 (we just needed this)
Glade Sense & Spray - had raincheck for $6.79 - used $4 Easy Saver & $4 manuf coupon = -$1.21 money maker
TOTAL = $88.82, saved $66.14, paid $22.68 FYI - I used a $10 RR and $3.30 gift card, plus an employee discount.
Even when its a week I'm not that excited for, still Walgreens comes through for me. I hope everyone else had a great week. Post a comment so I can check it out!
Thanks for sharing your Walgreens purchases! WEll done.